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  Leverage Your Technology To Increase Productivity & Employee Retention 

Video Guide

  • ​0:00min - Who we are, and what we do.
  • 1:00min - What types of clients we work with.
  • ​2:20min -  Digital Transformation, and what it can do for you.
  • ​2:50min - How you can get up to $15,000 back from our consulting fees.

Here’s what others have to say about our
Digital Adoption Program

"PACE Inc. was an instrumental part of Barrick Gold’s Digital Implementation Strategy at the Hemlo Operations. From initial assessments and discussions about our personnel’s readiness for change and ability to adapt to new technology, to understanding the company’s issues and risks involved, PACE helped manage and smooth the modernization of the mine. They were adept at helping strategize the roll-out of numerous related projects, and create change management tools that clearly demonstrated the urgency for the improvements, while also ensuring the benefits were well-understood and mitigated the apprehension that often surrounds significant change. PACE was able to clearly demonstrate and articulate the value they added, particularly with the implementation of new technology. I highly recommend making them a part of your digital implementation project team."

James Keenan
Superintendent, Continuous Improvement

"The biggest thing the digital adoption team provided was to give crews someone they became familiar with and trusted to consult. It gave operators confidence to work with the SIC system because when things went wrong, they had a name with a face to call and help resolve issues in a timely manner. PACE and the Barrick Customer Success team provided that advocate on the software side and became part of the team. This helped ensure everyone pulling in the same direction."

Trent Weatherwax, 
Operational Excellence Superintendent

"From a frontline delivery perspective, PACE helped coach our digital adoption team towards sustainability in achieving our long-term goal of supporting Short Interval Control initiatives at 1 of Barrick’s Nevada operations. With their knowledge of communications, change management, project management and process principles, PACE acted as a partner to leverage, focus, and activate the skills and knowledge the team already had so we could support the underground shifters and crews through this specific implementation, and share our certainty and confidence in achieving our goal of ensuring SIC adoption and increasing active shift length."

Ryan Rappleyea
Customer Success Manager

"PACE executed the methodology that was helpful to the digital adoption efforts and built on the skills of the Customer Success team, leading to a more sustainable Short Interval Control adoption effort at Barrick Nevada. Their assessment phase gives everyone a deeper understanding of the culture, communications, infrastructure, etc. Working directly with shifters to develop operator and crew user profiles provided targeted, individual metrics, and helped my team develop a change process to drive behaviour and adoption and have crews pulling for change, instead of corporate pushing it down. Together with our team, PACE was able to draw out our definition of success and help map the process to determine what critical functionality within the tech needed to be adopted to meet that vision. Moving forward, the team have better learned and can apply Change Management methodology in implementations that are repeatable, reliable, and provide predictable results."

Ethan Hull
Customer Success Lead 

"We are very proud to partner with PACE who has provided us with the structure and methods to stay ahead of the competition and keep delivering excellent value to our customers."

Ed Lusk,
Manufacturing Floor Manager

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